Saturday, September 11, 2010


I don't have to say much about this invention. Cheers, applause and I do bow down to South African Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, when she patten her anti- rape condom. She sold her house and car to put the product on the market, and she distributed 30,000 free devices during this years World Cup, under supervision of course. Once trail testing have been final. The product would be on the market for $2.00 per condom. Those who think its perfectly innocent to rape and man handle the helpless surely are in for a big surprise when he puts his you know what in the NO NO region. The condom is inserted much like a female condom or tampon. Once it lodges, only a doctor can securely remove it. The rapist cannot pee and walk when it's on. If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter, but it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure.

"Dr. Sonnet Ehlers was on call one night four decades ago when a devastated rape victim walked in. Her eyes were lifeless; she was like a breathing corpse. 'She looked at me and said, 'If only I had teeth down there,' recalled Ehlers, who was a 20-year-old medical researcher at the time. I promised her I'd do something to help people like her one day." -By Faith Karimi, CNN.

It's take a woman or man with a big heart to actually move mountains... Thank you Dr. Sonnet Ehlers.

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